In March of 2023, a young woman jumped off a local bridge into the icy, fast water of the Grand River.
PC Taylor was quick to respond to the river bank, which is down a long trail through a bush area.
PC Taylor located the woman in the rapids and entered the fast water to grab her; however, he missed.
He got out of the water and ran downstream for a second attempt. This time, he was convinced it was his last chance. He swam out and grabbed her. Fighting the current, he was able to get her to the bank. A second officer on the scene was relaying what was happening to dispatch. The Brantford Fire Department attended with their Zodiac and transported the female to EMS and the hospital. Unfortunately, the woman died later that day.
I met PC Taylor when he returned to the police station. I told him to get a hot shower and go home for the rest of his shift; however, he said all he needed was a hot shower and a change of uniform, and he would go back out.
That’s exactly what he did.