Jon Hall

I am nominating Cst. Jon Hall based on a number of attributes/qualities that Jon demonstrates on a very consistent basis both at work as well as in his personal life/on his own time. I am one of the NCO Team within Ottawa Police's Traffic Escort & Enforcement Unit; within my role as a Sergeant, I have opportunity to observe the work and commitment to our community of all of our Traffic Officers on a shift-by-shift basis. 

Jon definitely fulfills his role within the Unit, focusing on (and is extremely effective at) Stunt Drivers who are by-and-large endangering other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians day and night across the city. Cst. Hall would be considered one of our experts in the field for this type of enforcement without a doubt.

But my nomination extends beyond the day-to-day contribution that Jon makes to OPS' Traffic Enforcement efforts. Cst. Hall is also one of, if not the most, prolific members on Social Media with his "BeardedCop" twitter account; posting entertaining, informative and very interesting items on a daily basis...including a very successful fundraising effort throughout the "Mo-vember" campaign in 2018, as he has done several times over the years.

That leads into Jon's contribution that he makes to our overall mental health focus with OPS. Jon has very openly taken up the cause as far as identifying himself as a peer who has, and continues to work towards a balance between healthy, positive mental health, family and work. Cst Hall has also spoken publically about mental health (I believe with the Canadian Mental Health Association).

Overall, Cst. Hall's positive nature and professionalism are exemplary and certainly, in my humble opinion, worthy of consideration as a "Hero of the Year" for the reasons I have hopefully provided enough description of on his behalf.

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