Sergeant William Loucks has been a member of York Regional Police for 20 years. He has shown leadership in all capacities he has worked in, from working in the Domestic Violence Unit, Auto Cargo Theft unit and most recently in a uniform capacity. He exemplifies leadership and knowledge and has mentored other officers, giving them guidance, helping them work through scenarios to help them learn and develop...
...He genuinely cares about the community he serves, works hard in all aspects of his job and builds relationships with community partners to create a positive working relationships. Most recently, Sergeant Loucks, with other officers, ran into the home that was quickly filling with smoke and then they had to make a quick decision to leave before the home became engulfed. After the event, Sergeant Loucks made sure to touch base with the officers that were involved to try and ensure they were taken care of. Sergeant Loucks is a strong example of a police officer who leads by example and cares about his police family and community. He has done so many positive things at York Regional Police and never asks for acknowledgment. I think he exemplifies someone who makes a huge difference in the development of those around him.