Where do I even begin!? Phil is my life he is mine and our everyday "HERO" I simply could never write enough to tell you how amazing he is, where he's been and all the good he has done on or off duty, it's a lifetime worth!
I wish this nomination came in better circumstances. I wish I realized how much I had and almost lost July 5th, 2015. I wish so many things. But sometimes it's not until you have such a reminder or close call that you get just how much you have taken for granted, all the moments you've missed, things you wanted to do or say but didn't have the chance or take the time, the time you can't get back!
This incident changed our life, it will forever have an impact, it's devastating, long and extremely hard! Writing about this day makes my eyes tear up, and my heart ache!
Phil has been through so much since the incident he is injured, he is exhausted, and fights through excruciating pain. Through everything he still finds the energy and takes the time to go extreme lengths taking much love and care of me and our family. Even in this mess, It's never about him, he puts everyone before himself!
Phil's perseverance through this struggle, has given me not only a new perspective on life, he has in fact shown me and so many what true strength, courage and a HERO really is! Phil isn't a police officer because he has to be, he is because he wants to be, because to help others is the kind of man he is!
The house may be more of a wreck than usual and the laundry piles up, but I don't care! The everyday tasks and chores that I always stressed about and thought we're so important, suddenly are not! Our family being together, time together is most important! Health and well-being is important, getting Phil back to his community with his brothers and sisters on the road to continue being our "HERO" is important.
I proudly place this "HERO" nomination for Phil, and go through every moment in this life and career beside him. I will proudly send him back out there to serve and protect Niagara Region. Our family is not the only ones that need him!
I want to thank all of the men and women, that have and continue to serve and protect us. Thank you for all you do and everything you risk! Thank you for being by our side when we needed you and always!
You are all truly hero's!
For each and everyone of you reading this, please find and hold onto what is really important. Hug your loved ones, say I LOVE YOU! Don't go away angry or upset, take the time to say what you wanted. Take the time to find joy in what is around you today, be thankful for what you have and take nothing for granted! In a moment it can quickly all change and it may never be the same. If you see my "HERO", say hi and please thank him, he deserves it!
Stay safe! Tanya Sheldon