Officer Lafreniere is a very special police officer. She has reached out to many people and help them. Particularly one little boy. This boy is autistic developmentally delayed and recently was termed visually impaired. He lost his dad two years ago to suicide and his mother and her family have little or nothing to do with him. He resides with his parental grandmother. This Officer has been a real inspiration to him. She is patient with him, she takes the time to talk to him and listen to him. She understands his problems and is always ready to praise him when he does something. She works on safety measures with him and his grandmother. The little boy always watches for her and is excited to see her. Through her actions of kindness he is learning to believe in himself. He learned many things from her.
The little boy had this to say about Officer Debbie. "She chases criminals and puts them in jail. She makes me feel safe and happy. She answers my questions and something turns on the cruiser lights on for me. She tells me I have to wear a seat belt to stay safe. She knew my daddy and was very nice to him. She is nice to me after my daddy died and still is. She took the picture of us by the cruiser. I put it on my police station at school. She shares with me. I want to be a police officer and be her partner. We will catch criminals and help people be safe."