2017 Nominees
Casey Vucko - 2017 Nominee (2)
I nominate my cousin Casey Vucko because he likes to help people and after seeing many videos of him back home helping out the kids in hospitals and bringing presents - also makes him my inspiration. It also guides me more in the foot steps for my career as a correctional officer after seeing everything he's done.
(Photo courtesy of TB Newswatch)
Jeremy Morton - 2017 Nominee
I nominate officer Jeremy Morton of the Brantford Police Association for bravely going into a house fire to rescue an individual he was told was still in the house. He was one of the first responders on the scene before the fire department arrived.
Sharon Williamson - 2017 Nominee
I nominate Sharon Williamson because she spends many hours taking care of the homeless.
Kevin Dukes - 2017 Nominee
I nominate Kevin Dukes for his hard work and the dedication he brings to his work every day.
Mike Kenopic - 2017 Nominee
I nominate Staff Sgt. Mike Kenopic for the outstanding work he does everyday. He is person who is dedicated to his work.
Lisa Kenopic - 2017 Nominee
I have had the pleasure of knowing Sgt. Lisa Kenopic since 2003.
She is a dedicated officer who has had a lot of positions over the years and truly works hard each and every day. She has a passion for her job and she demonstrates her love of protecting and serving the citizens of Sault Ste. Marie. I truly believe she deserves recognition for the work she does.
Cale Armstrong - 2017 Nominee
I would like to nominate my husband, Cale Armstrong, for the Police Hero award. Although he is our hero everyday, there are stories that most people do not know. A couple of my favourites are as follows.
One day Cale was on patrol and helped a new Mom in her apartment with some issues. After he dealt with the issues at hand, he noticed that the new baby's crib was not yet together. He quickly put it together so that Mom had a safe place to put her baby in. On his way out of the apartment, he noticed that the stairs were icy. With his own money he went to the store on his way home and bought salt. He put it on her stairs and never said a word. He was concerned she would fall with the baby.
Cale Armstrong is not only a hero to his family, but to the Windsor community.
Read morePhilip Sheldon - 2017 Nominee
We would like to nominate Phil Sheldon for our hero or the year award. He has been through so much and still manages to put on a smile and be there for his family.