In 2016, Court Officer Kent Taylor was invited to initiate and facilitate a community outreach program to support and mentor young men in challenging parental and life circumstances. Orillia and the surrounding community had many supports for young mothers, but none for the fathers. Many of the young men were experiencing challenges in their parental relationships, often involving in the criminal and/or family court systems. This led to Kent’s implementing a one-to-one, twelve week mentoring program...
...Now in its fifth year, the Nurturing Fathers Program has developed a respected relationship with Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions (formerly CAS) and Orillia Probation and Parole. The program has also been positively recognized and recommended by the Family Court in Orillia. Referrals are received from all three organizations as well as other local community support organizations.
Although the mentoring program is only twelve weeks in duration, Kent has found that most of the relationships he has developed with participants continue long after course completion. Orillia Family Connexions reports that those who complete the program afford rave reviews of its positive impact on their lives and parenting relationships. The program has grown at such a rate that more volunteers are being identified and trained to assist with the program.