OPP Provincial Constable Erin Mosher has been a victim advocate working in the role of abuse issues and mental health coordinator. She goes above and beyond ensuring each individual she comes in touch with is met with kindness and connected with community supports. She ensures those individuals that may fall through the cracks of the system have home visits and presented with every opportunity to succeed. Erin not only advocates for individuals in her community, she is a mentor to her fellow officers. Often, she is giving support to fellow colleagues and guiding them through tough personal situations.
Erin is well respected for her collaboration with her community partners to help individuals in crisis. Beyond her regular duties, she is involved at the detachment with championing the United Way campaign, angel tree, guard training and regionally involved with Special Olympics. Erin is forever changing lives and her kindness is infectious to the lives she touches everyday! Thank you, Erin, for your partnership over the years. Our organization certainly could use more officers that truly change the outcome of an individual's life like Erin does.